Checking Macrositing Result
When macrositing is completed, check the generated folder named as <wind farm boundary name>-MacroSiting in the project pane. Three sub-folders are included:
- <wind farm boundary name>-WindFarmLayout: The layout of turbines
- <wind farm boundary name>-WindFarmLayout-ResourceGrid1_<hub height>: Wind resource grid in the resolution of 100m
- <wind farm boundary name>-WindFarmLayout-Map: Topography map of the wind farm
Click the check box before one or some of the sub-folders. The turbine layout, wind resource grid, or map is displayed in GIS.
Click the check box before the layout sub-folder. The recommended turbine locations are displayed in GIS.
The water-drop-shape icons with a blue round in the center represent recommended mast locations. Click one of these icons, the recommended mast height is shown, and the turbines around it are highlighted as orange, which means the clicked mast is able to cover the highlighted turbines.The red water-drop-shape icons represent recommended turbine locations and the numbers on them indicate turbine types.Click a mast or turbine location and click the Switch to mast button in the operation button area. This point is transformed to a turbine or mast location respectively.Note: In AEP calculation, the masts recommended in macrositing are taken as turbines.
Export the layout information.
- Double-click the layout result sub-folder. The turbine layout overview page opens.
- Select parameters in the Column Settings pane at the right side.
- Click the Export Table button to export the layout information into an Excel table in the default download directory of your browser.