User Center

User center consists of two sections: account management and expense center.

Account Management

On the User Profile page, check and modify your basic information.

  • The available information includes username, real name, membership level, registration time.
    Note: These items are not editable.
    Note: To upgrade as premium member, refer to the section Membership Upgrade.
  • The following items can be modified or set up: gender, birthday, company name, password, registered phone number or email address, and bindable email address or phone number.

Expense Center

Expense center provides you with information and operation related to account balance and package. The details are listed as below:

Account Overview

On the Account Overview pane, check the information of account balance, membership level, expense details, and current package.

Figure: Account Overview Page

Table 1. Account Overview Page Introduction
No. Name Description
Account name The username of current login account
Account balance Check current balance

Click the Recharge button to open the Recharge page and recharge your account (refer to Recharge).

Membership level Show current membership level When you upgrade to premium member, the VIP icon is lighted.

Click the Upgrade button to open the Membership Upgrade page for upgrade (refer to Membership Upgrade).

Pricing standard Click it to open the Pricing Standard page and check the introduction of product functions, pricing standard of each package, and authority of members (refer to Pricing Standard).
Expense overview Show your expense of today and current month.
Purchased package Show the purchase date and effective date of each of your package.
Help and support Hover the pointer over this option. A message appears providing email address and phone number of Greenwich technical support team for solving problems you come across.


The Recharge page shows the balance of current account and account number of Greenwich bank account.

Only offline remittance to the Greenwich corporate account is supported. After you confirm the remittance has arrived, contact Greenwich customer service staff. The staff will charge your account with received amount after confirmation.

Membership Upgrade

On the Membership Upgrade page, you can upgrade as premium member from regular member. The upgrade steps are introduced as follows:
  1. Select a charge mode.
    Note: Currently, only Package I is available. So you need not select.
  2. (Optional) Click Pricing standard to check the authority and charge standard of premium member.
  3. Select the effective date of membership.
  4. Read Greenwich terms of service, and select I have read and agree with Greenwich Terms of Service.
  5. Click the Purchase button.The expense for membership upgrade is deducted from the account balance. If your balance is not enough, recharge your account.

    After the upgrade is completed successfully, you are equipped with the corresponding authority.

Bill Check

On the Bill Check page, you can check the historical consumption and expense by month. The operation steps are introduced as follows:
  1. Select start month and end month.If you select more than one months, the bill of each selected month is listed in the table.
  2. Click the Search button, the bills are displayed by month in the table below.The columns in the table are:
    • Month: month of the bill
    • Content: package names used in the specified month
    • Total expense: total expense in the specified month

Expense Record

On the Expense Record page, you can check the expense record of specified time range. The operation steps are introduced as follows:
  1. Select start date and end date.
  2. Select a username.
    Note: In common cases, you can see contents only under your own account. If you want to share your project with other users, contact the Greenwich customer service staff to set up your specified accounts as shared. After that, more than one usernames are listed in the User name drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Search button. All expense records within the specified date range are listed in the table below.The columns in the table are:
    • Date: the time of consumption with accuration of second
    • Username: username of current account
    • Operation: the operations which produce expense, such as recharge, upgrade, calculation within package, etc.
    • Status: status of the expense
    • Expense: expense of the operation

Pricing Standard

The pricing standard page introduces each function module of Greenwich, details of packages, pricing details, and authority of regular and premium member.