Operation Buttons

In the project menu pane, when you click a domain, project, or object, operation buttons are displayed at the bottom. The function of each operation button is introduced in the following table.

Table 1. Operation Button Descriptions
Button Name Description
Add Usage: Click this button to add a new project for the selected domain.

Display scenario: Only when you select the domain name.

Delete Usage: Click this button to delete a project or an object.

Display scenario: When you select a project name in Domain.

/ Unlock/Lock Usage:
  • Click the Unlock button to unlock the project. The authority is opened for other eligible users.
  • Click the Lock button to lock the project. Other users will not be able to edit this project.

Display scenario: When you select a project name in the Project pane.

Select WT Usage: Click the Select WT button to open the Select WT page in the information demonstration area. Select turbine model in the list to import it into the project.

Display scenario: When you select a project name in the Project pane.

Import/Export Usage: Click this button to open the Import/Export page in the information demonstration area. In the Create tab, select the category for creation or import. In the Export tab, select the category for data export.
Note: This is a key function for project management, and is applied in every operation modules of Greenwich. For more details, refer to macrositing, planning and siting, EBA calculation, etc.

Display scenario: When you select a project name in the Project pane.

Report Usage: Click this button to open the Report page in the information demonstration area. Select the report category and project to generate report.

Display scenario: When you select a project name in the Project pane.

Refresh Usage: Click this button to refresh the project tree.

Display scenario: When you select a project name in the Project pane.

Hide Usage: Click this button to hide the selected project from the project tree.

Display scenario: When you select a project name in the Project pane.

Data Matching Usage: Click this button to open the Data Matching page. Match the turbine data on this page.

Display scenario: When you select the WTG layout object.

Switch to mast Usage: Click this button to transform the select suggested mast to turbine, or transform the turbine to suggested mast.

Display scenario: When you select a turbine or mast object under the macrositing result folder.

View the associated fan Usage: Click this button to display all turbines relative to the selected mast as orange ; click again to display them in the normal status as red .

Display scenario: When you select the suggested mast in the macrositing result folder.

Import Mast Data Usage: click this button to import the subsequent data into an existing mast.

Display scenario: When you select the mast created by data import.