Checking Resource Evaluation Results

  1. After the calculation task is submitted, choose Tools Library > Task List to open the task list.
  2. Select wind & solar resource assessment in the task type list to check the task status. When the task progress reaches 100%, the calculation is completed. The resource evaluation result objects are generated in the project tree and saved in the Wind & Solar Resource Evaluation folder. For the three resource evaluation type, the result objects are different:
    • Wind resource evaluation: resource evaluation-Wind, resource evaluation report
    • Solar resource evaluation: resource evaluation-Solar, resource evaluation report
    • Wind & solar resource evaluation: resource evaluation-Wind, resource evaluation-Solar, resource evaluation report
      Note: If the wind or solar resource in this area is found to be bad, the wind & solar resource evaluation might abandon this kind of resource without output of wind or solar evaluation result.
  3. Expand the resource evaluation-Wind object in the project pane and select the turbine(s) to check the recommended turbine location(s) in GIS.
  4. Expand the resource evaluation-Solar object in the project pane to check the recommended solar site.
    Note: The display of solar site in GIS is not supported in this version.
  5. Double-click Resource Evaluation Report to view demonstration and summary of relevant indices.