When noise calculation is completed, the noise details are available in GIS and noise overview page of WTG group.
Compete noise calculation before performing the following steps. For details, refer to the section Noise Calculation.
Click the check box before the noise object generated from calculation, and
expand the Layer Edit panel to check its sound pressure
level in GIS.
Input the value of upper limit and lower limit.
Input the limit that you are interested in. Generally, the sound pressure limit around houses is 40, and 50 for factories.
Note: The value of upper limit must be larger than that of lower limit.
Click the Display button. The sound pressure level line in the lower limit is in red, and that in the upper limit is in black.
Figure: Sound Pressure Level Limit
Double-click the WTG group object in the project pane. The WTG group overview page opens.
Click the Noise Calculation button in the Overview page. All parameters related to noise calculation are listed in the table, including NearestSensitivePoint, DistToNearestSensitivePoint, and Ratio.
Double-click the cell under the Ratio column to change its value.
Click the Noise Overview tab to check the noise details of this wind farm.