Checking Calculation Results
- Double-click the WTG group object in the project. The Overview page opens.
- Click the Reliability Prediction tab.
Check the COPQ result.
- Click the COPQ Test tab.
Check the reliability parameters of seleted component group(s).
The main parameters are listed as below:
Terrain KK index: It is a terrain risk level index derived from the study of mapping relation between terrain characteristics in historical typical wind farms and the corresponding failure probability. Currently, 12 grades of this index are available providing reference for turbine model selection and future failure prediction.
Terrain additional cost: Additional cost caused by terrain. When the terrain KK index exceeds the boundary, it is displayed as !.
Component additional cost: Additional cost caused by component. When the overload exceeds the boundary, it is displayed as !.
Total maintenance cost: The sum of terrain additional cost and component additional cost. If any one of them is !, this filed is displayed as !.
Min COPQ: The minimum value of the maintenance cost of this component group.
Max COPQ: The maximum value of the maintenance cost of this component group, excluding the value !.
Check the tower check result.
- Click the Tower Check tab.
- Check the tower frequency check, extreme load check, and fatigue load check results. The checking items that are not validated are displayed as Not passed in red.
- Click Export > Export Details to export the detailed reliability prediction data as an Excel file. The overloaded turbine locations are highlighted.
- Click Export > Export Load Report to generate the turbine load applicability analysis report.
Click Export > Derived Tower
Report to export the tower customization report.
Note: If the tower check of some turbine location(s) does not pass (any one of the frequency, fatique, or extreme load check), or any turbine location is not configured with tower, the Derived Tower Report option is disabled.