Checking EBA Report

After EBA calculation, the EBA report is available for export.

  1. Double-click the WTG group object in the project pane. The WTG group Overview page opens.
  2. Select parameters in the Column Settings pane to add them into the overview table.
  3. Click the Export Table button to download the current table into the default download directory of your browser.
  4. Click the Export Report tab.
  5. Select Absolute EBA report and Relative EBA report as report type.

    Absolute EBA report is only applicable in some specific conditions. The following items are included in the absolute EBA report: NTF, FSS, absolute loss energy, absolute EBA, and ratio of absolute EBA against wind farm.

  6. Check the preview of the report at the lower part of the page.
  7. Click the Export button to export the report into the default download directory of your browser.