Foundation Grouping

Based on the configured load data and geological data, the turbines in the wind farm should be classified as groups for calculation.
  1. Click the project name for turbine foundation creation.
  2. Click the Import/Export button in the operation button area.
  3. Select Turbine foundation in the menu.
  4. Input a name for the foundation.
  5. Click Create to create a turbine foundation object in the project tree.
  6. Click the turbine foundation object in the Project pane.
  7. Click 《 to open the operation pane.
  8. Click the Operation tab.

  9. Set up wind farm, earthquake load, cost allocation, interior topography, and environmental class.
  10. Click the Auto Grouping button. After the grouping is done, a window opens showing the groups.
  11. Check the grouping result and manually adjust the grouping.
  12. When the grouping is done, click the Save group button to save the changes.
    Note: If the turbine model, load, and geological data have been modified, you should re-group the turbines, and the grouping result will replace the one from last calculation. If you want to preserve the last calculation result. It is suggested to create a new turbine foundation object and group the turbines again.