Matching Substation

After substation siting, match self-built substation and grid-connected substation. This section introduce how to match an individual substation in single-line topology.

  1. Double-click the wind farm layout object in the project pane. The Overview page of this wind farm opens.
  2. Click the Single-Line Design tab to show all turbines in this wind farm.
  3. Click the Edit Single-Line Graph button to enter the edit mode.
  4. Click the substation icon in topology to open the Match Object window.
    The substations listed in the Choose Object drop-down menu are self-built substations in the project.
    Note: Only substations with the same input and output voltage grade as defined in single-line topology are listed and can be matched successfully.
  5. Select a substation and click OK. This substation is matched successfully.
  6. Match all the self-built and grid-connected substations following Step 4-5.
  7. (Optional) Click the Clear the editor button to clear all modifications.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click the return icon to go back to the single-line topology overview page.