Configuring for the Calculation

This section introduces how to configure the economy map calculation parameters.

Before the configuration, define an area as the analysis object. Two methods are available: Draw a polygon (refer to Drawing a Polygon) or download an area (refer to Data Download).

  1. Click the polygon in the project pane.
  2. Click the expand icon at the right top of the interface to open the operation pane.
  3. Click the Operation tab.
  4. Click the Economy map tab.

  5. Define the on-grid power price.
  6. Select the financing condition. The system provides three financing modes of centralized onshore wind farm.
  7. Select avoiding area. Three categories are available:
    • Public avoiding database: Show the data library of green land, buildings, river system, road, etc. embedded in the system.。
    • Custom avoiding area: Show the customized areas defined as protection area, farm land, minerals, etc. For more details, refer to the section Drawing a Polygon.
    • Nearby wind farm: Show all wind farm objects in the project. Select the wind farm(s) nearby to calculation its wake effect with this one.
    Note: Skip this step if no exhibited area exists within this area.
  8. Click Start Calculation. The task is submitted successfully.
  9. Choose Tools Library > Task List.
  10. Select Economy map in the task type list to check the task status. When the progress reaches 100%, the calculation is completed.