Creating a New WTG Group

Before configuring turbine model, create a wind farm. If you have a WTG group, you can import the turbine locations directly (refer to Importing Turbine Layout).

  1. Click the project name in the project pane.
  2. Click the Import/Export icon in the operation buttons area at left bottom of project pane to open the Import/Export page.
  3. Select WTG group from the Object Type menu.
  4. Click the Create radio button.
  5. Click Create to create a WTG group object in the project.
  6. Click the WTG group object in the project tree.
  7. Click the add turbine icon in the operation button pane. The Add a WTG point window opens.

  8. Click Continue to add and click in GIS. A turbine location is added in the click point and the turbine name is displayed in the window.
  9. Repeat Step 8 to add more turbine locations.
  10. (Optional) Drag the newly added turbine location to modify its location.
  11. (Optional) Click the delete icon at the right side of the turbine name in the Add a WTG point window to delete the corresponding turbine location.
  12. Click the Save button. The newly added turbine locations are displayed under the WTG group object and they are named as T1, T2, T3... by order.