Checking Budget Estimation Result
In the calculation result, the cost and material details of wind farm and unit projects are provided.
Double-click the budget estimation scheme in the project pane. The View/Edit Cost Estimation page opens.
There are two categories of scheme: Designed Cost Estimation and Customized Cost Estimation.
In the designed cost estimation mode, you are able to modify the material price, but cannot edit the material engineering quantity of route, platform, tower, substation, and power line.
For customized cost estimation mode, edit material price and engineering quantity according to the project condition.
Check the budget estimation scheme details.
In the material list at the right side of this page, the total cost and material details are displayed.
- Cost and material parameters of unit projects are derived from their PBOM.
- Material parameters in the Turbine and Tower list are from wind farm PBOM.
- Material parameters in the Other wind farm projects list are from the calculation of budget estimation. Some of the materials are marked with the icon
, which means you need to input the price manually.
(Optional) Modify material.
- Expand the material tree until the fourth layer material group. The material parameters in this group are displayed in the table.
Click the edit button
and edit the material price(available for designed and customized scheme) or engineering quantity (only for customized scheme).
- In the pop-up window, input the value and click OK to save the modification.
- Click the Excavation-fill balance button to calculate the balance of excavation and fill quantity. The result is displayed in the Other wind farm projects > Other wind farm projects > Excavation-fill balance list.
Click the View Cost Estimation tab to check the overview of wind farm and cost budget.
The default view is the designed cost estimation overview. To view the customized cost estimation, click the Customized Cost Estimation tab.