This chapter provides details of the areas, controls, and functions of the Greenwich main interface.
This is an introduction on the vision of Greenwich union.
The project menu is the project management area of Greenwich, including two views: the domain view and the project view. The domain view provides functionalities to create and manage projects, and the project view is for operating and setting up objects under the project.
This section shows the task status submitted from the Operation pane, such as CFD model, map merge, noise calculation, and EBA online matching.
Greenwich knowledge center provides all around information and guide on the Greenwich platform and a forum for user communication.
This section provides the reference documentation for the Greenwich platform, including design guide, user manual, and principle reference manual. Read these documents for better understanding of the Greenwich functions and values.
Wind forecast shows the forecast result from Global Forecast System (GFS) of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
This section lists the former release notes of Greenwich.
This function is for account and authority management helping you maintain the permissions of domains, projects, and users. You are enabled to share a project to someone for cooperation on it. Also, you can change the password and modify the user contact information.