Calculating AEP - Mesoscale

In this mode, the calculation is performed by configuring wind farm wind speed and air density.

  1. Select a WTG group object in the project pane.
  2. Click the expand icon 《 at the right top of Greenwich interface to open the operation pane.
  3. Select AEP Calculation in the Calculation Type drop-down list.
  4. Select Mesoscale in the AEP Calculation Type area.
    Figure: AEP Calculation Interface - Mesoscale

    For setup of turbine model, loss factor, wake effect, nearby wind farm, and map, refer to the section Calculating AEP - Real Frequency for details.

  5. Click the expand icon in the Mesoscale Wind Speed Correction area.
  6. Input the wind speed correction ratio and time zone.
  7. (Optional) Select to output Power generation inspection table or Time series.
  8. Click the Done button to save the changes.
  9. Click the expand icon in the Air Density area.
  10. Input air density and the corresponding height.
  11. Click the Done button to save the changes.
  12. Click Calculate.
    When the calculation is completed, check the AEP-related results at the bottom of the operation pane.