Adding a Platform Scheme

Platform scheme is designed for a specific project. To add a platform scheme to a project, you can create a new scheme or import an existing scheme.

Creating a Platform Scheme

  1. Click the project name in the project pane.
  2. Click the Import/Export button in the operation button area to open the Import/Export page.
  3. Click the Create tab, and select Platform scheme as the category.
  4. Select the Create radio button.
  5. Input the value for Object Name.
  6. Click Create.
    A platform scheme object is added in the project tree.

Importing a Platform Scheme

  1. Click the project name in the Project pane.
  2. Click the Import/Export button in the operation button area to open the Import/Export page.
  3. Click the Create tab, and select Platform scheme as the category.
  4. Select the Import radio button.
  5. Click the Upload button, and select a kml file with platform shape and elevation.
  6. Input the value for Object Name.
  7. Click Create.
    A platform scheme object is added in the project tree.