Viewing the Platform

After the platform design is completed, modify the design parameters, export the overview table, and modify the project properties on the Overview page.

  1. Double-click the platform scheme in the Project pane to open the Overview page. The table shows the engineering quantity including demolition cost, recommendation of hoist in each turbine location, etc.
  2. Select one or more platform designs.
    The columns with red * are the parameter columns. Click the cells under the column to edit the values.
  3. After the modification, click Save.
    Note: After the modification, you should re-do the quantity calculation. For details, refer to Designing a Platform.
  4. Click Export to export an .xlsx file as the design overview table.
  5. Click the PBOM tab, and set up the values of soil rock ratio, agrotype, rock type, and terrain for PBOM generation.