Adding a Turbine Model Series

To create a turbine model series object under a turbine library domain or folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Database > Device Library > Turbine Library.
    Tip: Click the Hide Empty Folder icon to hide the empty folders in turbine library.
  2. Click a Domain name or a folder.
  3. Click the Create turbine model series icon in the operation button pane.
    The Create turbine model series page opens.

  4. Select the creation mode as Add manually.
    Note: If you have any WTG file, select Import WTG file to create a turbine model series.
  5. Input the parameters in the basic information, design wind conditions, and name fields. Among them, the items marked with a red * are mandatory.
  6. Click the Create button. A turbine model series object is created under the selected Domain or folder.
    Note: The icon of turbine model series is .