Location Search

In the Location search page, you can locate a region by searching a location, selecting a administrative region, or locating a point by defining its longitude and latitude.

Position Search

Position search is used for fuzzy search.

  1. Input the keyword in the search field. The related positions or regions are listed in the drop-down menu.
  2. Click the desired position. It is displayed in GIS.

Region Location

Region location is mainly applied to locate a administrative region.

Figure: Region Location Interface
  1. Select country, province, city, and region from the drop-down list. The selected region is displayed in highlight in GIS.
  2. When you select a city or region, check Rendering to view its wind speed grid in GIS.
  3. Click the Clean button to delete all the selections and restore to the default status.
  4. Click the project name in the project pane and click the Create Region button. The located region is saved in the project.

Lon & Lat Location

This is mainly applied to locate a point.

Figure: Lon & Lat Location Interface
  1. Input longitude and latitude, and click the Position button to display the respective point in GIS.
  2. Click the Clean button to delete all the selections and restore to the default status.