Address Detail

The address detail function provides an overview of wind resource parameters in the specified point, such as coordinate/elevation, Feed-in-Tariff (FIT), air density, roughness, wind speed, wind power density at 80/90/120m.

For wind farms in China, wind resource data sources are:
  • MESOSCALE: Mesoscale data with the CNN wind accelaration factor from the latest simulation of Greenwich. These wind data are filtered by the wind quality standard and corrected by long-term correction.
  • ERA5
  • MERRA2

For regions outside China, only the MERRA2 and ERA5 data are provided.

Click the address detail icon to open the wind resource data pane.

Click a point in GIS. The monthly wind speed graph is displayed.

Table 1. Functional Areas in Data Pane
No. Name Description
Point marker Display point in GIS.
Point parameters Display coordinate, altitude, height, air density, roughness, wind speed, and wind power density of the clicked point.
Data graph Display the data graph with selected graph type. Refer to ④ for graph type.
Graph type selection Click the icons to display the respective data graph in ③. Refer to the section Wind Resource Data Icons for more details.

Click the icons at the bottom of data pane to learn more about wind resource.

Table 2. Wind Resource Data Icons
Icon Name Description
Monthly profile Display monthly distribution of wind speed, wind power density, and air density.
Diurnal profile Display diurnal distribution of wind speed and wind power density.
Wind speed rose Display the rose map of wind speed and wind power density.
Weibull profile Display the Weibull distribution.
Wind speed long term profile Display the annual distribution of wind speed.
Create mast Create a virtual mast in the project tree based on MERRA2 database. Refer to the section for more details Creating a Virtual Mast.