Two sections are included in calibration, declination and shading, for elimination of wind speed errors that might occur in calculation. Refer to Greenwich knowledge center for more details.
Click the expand icon
beside Calibration in operation pane.
- Click the Configuration button beside Declination. The declination page opens.
Set up the longitude, latitude, altitude, calibration mode, and erection time of mast.
A calibration mode is recommended as the default according to the mast parameter. You may select one manually from IGRF12 and WMM2015.
- Click the Calculate Magnetic Declination Angle button. The Degree field shows the declination angle to be corrected.
- After confirmation, click the Apply button to add the declination parameters in operation pane.
- Click the Configuration button beside Shading. The Shading page opens.
Select the wind speed sensor channel for correction.
Note: Generally, select two sensor channels at the same height.
- Select wind direction sensor.
- Define the time range.
Click the Calculation button.
- After calculation, the mast shade graph is displayed at the right side
of this page, showing the wind speed distribution of sensor channel 1
and 2.
The concave section is a result from wind speed reduction due to mast shade in sensor channel 1, and data in sensor channel 1 should be corrected. The convex section is a result from mast shade in sensor channel 2, and data in sensor channel 2 should be corrected.
- The Angle area displays recommended angles for mast shade correction.
The wind speed between start and end angles of sensor channel 2 are used for correction of that between start and end angles of sensor channel 1.
You can modify the recommended angles manually.
- After calculation, the mast shade graph is displayed at the right side
of this page, showing the wind speed distribution of sensor channel 1
and 2.
Click the Apply button to add the shading parameters in operation pane.
Note: If you want to delete a declination or shading calibration result, click
. The message Delete successful pops up indicating the corresponding result is deleted.
Click the Apply button in the declination or shading area, the calibration is applied.
The wind speed data in sensor channel 2 are used for correction of that in sensor channel 1.
If you want to cancel all the applied calibrations, click the Cancel button.