Data Panel

On data panel, you are enabled to select filters and indices to check the calculation result.

  1. Double-click the mast to be analyzed. The DataTrace page opens.
  2. Click the DataPanel tab.
    Figure: Data Panel Interface
    Table 1. Controls and Areas in Data Panel Interface
    No. Name Description
    Data analysis progress bar Show the completed mast data processing steps.
    Selected filters Select filters, and the graphs and tables below are displayed based on these filters.
    ③④ Graphs Generated based on the selected filters.
    Time range selection Show the time range of data displayed in the graphs.
    Wind speed data table According to the filters and graphs, the data details classified by sector, year, month, or day are listed in this table.
  3. Click a tab in the progress bar and set up filters and time range. The graphs and table showing wind speed data are updated accordingly.