Configuring Unit Projects, Budget Estimation, and Economic Evaluation Schemes
This section is about the creation, calculation and optimization of unit project schemes, including foundation scheme, platform scheme, route scheme, power line scheme, and substation scheme.
The generation of feasibility study report is based on economic evaluation scheme. Economic evaluation scheme is bound with budget estimation scheme which correlates with unit project schemes. As a result, before generating feasibility study report, complete the creation, calculation, and optimization of unit projects and budget and economic evaluation schemes for the wind farm.
- Creating wind farm and calculating AEP: The design of unit project schemes is
based on wind farms. You should create a wind farm and calculate its AEP first.
For details of wind farm creation, refer to the section Wind Farm Layout Design. For AEP calculation,
refer to the section Wind Farm AEP Calculation.
Pay attention that when you are creating a wind farm, you need to select the corresponding turbine model series, turbine model, operation mode, tower, component group, etc. The parameters mandatory for feasibility study are listed in the table below:
Configuration Object Type Parameter Name Configration Method Turbine model series Design wind conditions IEC level Checking Turbine Model Series Property TI level Turbine model Basic information Rotor diameter Checking Turbine Mode Property Rotor weight Sweep area Foundation load Mxy、Mz、Fxy、Fz (Limit load under normal working condition and under extreme working condition) Configuring Foundation Load Operation mode Power curve Cut-in wind speed Power Curve Cut-out wind speed Component group Generator Output voltage level Configuring Component Group Nacelle Nacelle weight Nacelle length Nacelle width Nacelle height Applicable tower Each tower section Length Configuring Applicable Tower Weight - Creating and calculating foundation scheme: Refer to the section Turbine Foundation Design
- Creating and calculating route and platform scheme: Refer to the sectionRoute and Platform Design
- Siting and designing substations: Refer to the section Substation Siting
- Creating and calculating power line scheme: Refer to the section Power Line Design
- Creating and calculating power line scheme: Refer to the section Budget Estimation
- Creating and calculating power line scheme: Refer to the section Economic Evaluation